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October 14, 2018


Adirondack Snow Drifters

October 14, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 4:15 p.m.

Minutes from last meeting were approved as read.

Treasurer’s report: We have a current balance of 18,717.61 in our checking account. There

were two deposits made, one for memberships in the amount of $620.00 and one in the

amount of $1,365.00, which was the 30% Trail Fund monies for 2017-18. There were two

checks paid out, one to Roxy Morter in the amount of $ 457.60 for T-shirts and one to Mindy

Fox in the amount of $368.20 to reimburse her for fees in connection with obtaining a Federal

ID number, 501-C (Not-for-Profit) and Tax Exempt number for the club.

Greg Fox reported that there are no longer free websites. He is currently working with someone

who creates websites and will report on the status at our next meeting.

It was reported that if the club does not show that we are making an effort to get S78 open

again, we will lose funding for it. Maps of the property and a list of property owners along that

trail were provided and Eric Johnson agreed to start looking into it. It was noted that some time

ago there was a trail in this same area but for various reasons the person who owned the

property closed it down. Eric said he would speak with this person to see if he would be willing

to allow the club to access that trail again.

A proposed drawing of the new groomer barn/clubhouse was presented. The plan is to begin

working on this next spring. Belly is looking to people for donations to help with the cost of the


The Hatch Run fundraiser was cancelled due to the lack of time to properly plan for it. We will

revisit the possibility of holding it early next summer.

A big “Thank You” to Mindy Fox for all of her work on obtaining the club’s Federal ID Number,

Not-for-Profit Status and Tax Exempt number.

The UTV will be brought to Roberts’ Sport Center by either Ray Breault or Belly for service

within the next week or so.

With the help of Jerry Fischer, of the Malone Callfiremen, we will have radios for the groomers

that are programmed to enable 911 calls to be made and for communication between the


Greg Fox reported that our Facebook page currently has about 400 members.

Greg Fox reported that he and Belly attended an FSI meeting on October 9th . He said it was a

good meeting and that our goal at this point is to get the groomer here as was agreed upon.

One section of the mat will need to be put back down on the bridge. There will be a work bee

on Sunday, November 4th at 2:00 p.m., before our next meeting, to do this. It was noted that

the Barnesville Road is in pretty good shape, but that dirt should be cleared off the bridge. Most

of the signage on the trails is still in place. There are only a few signs that were taken down that

will need to be put back.

Our current membership is around 60.

Greg Fox commented that he thinks our club should offer another safety course this year. He

and Mindy are willing to set it up. They will check with Adirondack Power Sports to see if it can

be held there again this year. He’s looking to do this in early December.

A suggestion was made that our club stickers should be modified to include “2018 Club of the

Year.” Belly will take care of this.

Greg also noted that he needed to check with National Grid to see if the washout just past

Inman Station was repaired.

Nominations for elections will take place at the first meeting in the New Year.

Roxy Morter asked about the Super Raffle that is held each year. We didn’t participate in it last

year. Belly will contact Ann O’Dell of NYSSA.

Greg reported that Dave Knapp no longer wants to volunteer as our representative for Franklin

County in NYSSA and asked if we might be able to interest someone in volunteering to do this.

There are six meetings a year, held on Saturdays in Canastota, NY. It was thought that it might

be better to have several different people volunteer to do this to split it up some. Greg asked

everyone to give it some thought and let him know.

The next meeting will be held on November 4th at 4:00 p.m. at Belly’s.

Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

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