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January Meeting Minutes


Adirondack Snow Drifters

January 12, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m.

Shawn Rabideau has finished brushing on C8A.

Belly and George continue to work on signage. Belly presented the new signs that will be put up letting people know who maintains the trails.

Some discussion had previously taken place regarding the club’s fundraiser being held at the same time as the Camp 1390 Poker Run. The general feeling was we didn’t want our club to take away from the Camp 1390 fundraiser by holding ours at the same time. The decision was made to hold off on the club’s fundraiser until after the poker run.

Belly reported that he had a meeting last month at the groomer barn in Onchiota with Tom Peria and the men who run the groomers.

Super Raffle Tickets are available if anyone needs more. The club sold 800+ last year, it would be nice if we could reach that amount again this year.

George Fellion has been training in the UTV with Belly. They’ve managed to groom the smaller connector trails several times.

Our membership is currently at 187. It’s felt that the lack of snow is impacting this number. Our Facebook membership has grown to 560+.

Belly commented on the drag we’ve borrowed from the Ellenburg Club. He said that while they aren’t in a hurry to get it back there is always the possibility that they would need it should their new one need repairs. Belly asked that he have permission from the club to purchase a used drag, if he should find one, for $5,000 or less. A motion was made by Eric Johnson, seconded by George Fellion giving Belly permission to purchase a used drag using his own discretion as to cost, all in favor.

Belly noted that he would be meeting with Tom Peria and Dave Knapp to put together an agenda for the FSI meeting to be held on Tuesday evening.

Eric Johnson introduced Luis Pinella who is the new owner of the property in Duane where much of the Tamarack Trail runs through. Mr. Pinella said he and his wife have some ideas for the property, one being building some cabins for use as rentals. One of his concerns with having the trail open on his property was trash. Another concern was the trail being too close to the cabins. He asked if the trail could be moved and if yes, would it fall on him to do the work. He


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