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First Meeting of 2019-2020 season


September 8, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m.

Belly reported that repairs have been made to the drag that is on loan to us from Northern Adirondack. Cylinders were replaced and Jeff Smith helped in making repairs for a new pan. Belly also reported that he has been preparing his groomer for the upcoming sled season to include a new coat of paint.

Greg reminded everyone that the website is up and going and that our current Facebook membership is over 480.

Stuart McKnight has taken over work on getting part of the old Tamarack Trail and part of a new route to connect to the Old Meacham Road. He has been in touch with a local Forester and the next step is to conduct a walk-through of the route with the Forester.

Belly reported that the club has accumulated logs on the site where the clubhouse will be built. We are looking to get these logs sawed into lumber and stacked before winter. The goal is to get the pad for the building poured in the spring.

Our current membership is at 34. Please try to push individuals to sign up before the first of December, which would help with the 70% money the club receives from NYSSA.

There will be an FSI meeting on the 8th of October. We should be getting new signage for the trails at this meeting after which we will need assistance in putting them up.

We will need to begin checking trails for clearing, specifically the Barnesville Road. Chris LaBarge has offered to clear C7 near Malone and Shawn Rabideau has offered to clear C8A near Standish.

Belly asked that we start getting ideas for the club fundraiser. Ray Breault offered to look into getting another chain saw to raffle off.

The next meeting will be held on October 20th at 2:00 p.m. at Belly’s.

Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

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