Adirondack Snow Drifters
February 11, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m.
Belly reported that clubs have not yet received their 30% monies from last year and the 70% checks for this year are at the County level right now.
The posting of signs is nearly done, one “Trail Maintained By” sign needs to be put up at the Standish gate, one on the pole line from the Mt. View end north and one at Mr. View south to Loon Lake.
Grooming by Franklin Snowmobile, Inc. (FSI) has been really good this year, possibly because the season got off to a slow start. They are trying to log hours and miles.
If anyone needs anymore Super Raffle Tickets let us know. They have to be turned in before the NYSSA meeting in April.
A big “Thank You” to George Fellion; he has been training in the club’s UTV and is ready to go. Bill Corsello will begin working with George so he can get out there and groom as well.
Belly mentioned an issue with the actuator on the club’s drag. Everyone felt it would be best to order one to have on hand in the event he is unable to get this one working again.
A reminder to everyone, the 1390 Poker Run is scheduled for February 22nd. The starting point for the poker run is the Trailside.
Membership is currently at 222 and our Facebook membership continues to grow.
Belly asked for any volunteers to help brush our trails with the pole saw. After some recent weather with a rain and snow mix there are a lot of trees hanging over the trails and many of theirlimbs have broken under the weight.
After a slight discussion regarding the Club’s fundraiser everyone felt we should wait until after the summer months to plan one.
Belly reported that the electric pump on the diesel fuel tank has stopped working. He noted that this equipment does belong to FSI and that he was going to try to get it to work but if it wasn’t repairable he said he would use money from the Adirondack Snowdrifters account to purchase a new one and get reimbursed from FSI for the cost.
Greg asked that every time the club goes out with the UTV would whoever is doing the grooming please make a pass across the Uhlman Road.
The next meeting will be held on March 1st at 3:00 p.m. at Sugar Loaf.
Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.