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Feb 3, 2019 Meeting Minutes


Adirondack Snow Drifters

February 3, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m.

Minutes from last meeting were approved as read.

Our membership currently stands at 261.

Belly reported that the Tucker from FSI has been moved here and is now in use.

He also reported that gas and diesel fuel accounts have been set up through Arnold Oil.

Thanks go to Eric Johnson for plowing a parking area at the end of the California Road. There is currently a certified detour in place through Duane. Work on this trail will continue in the spring.

And Thank You to Donnie Phaneuf for donating white and red reflectors for the pole line and another Thank You to Bill Corsello for taking a day and putting the reflectors on the poles.

Greg Fox reported that the Club’s web page is now up and going. The address is He noted that he is still familiarizing himself with the website and is in the process of copying and pasting trail reports. We will also be posting the Club’s minutes on the web site.

Eric Johnson continues to explore different options to get the Tamarack Trail opened again. There are still some landowners that he needs to contact and one individual that he has had conversations with is still undecided.

The Snocross will be held at the Franklin County Fairgrounds on March 9th and volunteers are needed. Belly and Greg will find out at the next FSI meeting how shifts will be handled. If anyone is interested in volunteering please let them know.

The Club fundraiser will be held on Saturday, February 16th from noon until 3 p.m. Volunteers will be needed for various things and Nancy Marshall will be putting together a list of salads that will need to be made. All hot dog buns and hamburger rolls will be donated as well as the hot dogs and hamburgers. Music will be provided by Lisa Coryea and her band.

The next meeting will be held on April 7th at 2:00 p.m. at Belly’s.

Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

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