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December Meeting Minutes


December 15, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 4:15 p.m.

A big Thank You to Shawn Rabideau for clearing and brushing the Wolf Pond Road from Standish to the Doll House.

Stuart McKnight, Eric Johnson and Dave Knapp met with Rob Daley, of the DEC, regarding a possible re-route of S78. Eric said it was a good meeting and that Rob Daley is open to suggestions from the Club. It was noted that we need to have a plan in place before next June.

Belly and George Fellion have been putting up the new signage that was provided for us through the County. He noted that Legislator Andrea Dumas was responsible for making this possible.

Greg and Mindy Fox hosted the third safety course sponsored by the Club yesterday, the 14th, at Adirondack Power Sports in Malone. They reported that there were 21 in attendance.

There will be a poker run on the 22nd of February, sponsored by Camp 1390, it was again suggested that our Club hold their fundraiser that same day basing it out of the old Fire Station where the groomers are currently housed. This item to be further discussed at our next meeting.

Belly noted that he is officially now the President of FSI. He and Tom McClain, Director of Transportation for Franklin County, will be visiting the groomer barn this next week. He also noted that Mindy Fox has taken over the duties as Secretary/Treasurer.

Belly reported that both groomers are ready to go.

The Super Raffle Tickets are here. Belly asked that everyone take some to sell. It was noted that we sold over 800 last year.

There was a groomer course held yesterday, the 14th, in Lake Placid which George Fellion and Stuart McKnight attended.

Belly reported that he has requested forms for non-highway use gas tax refund. We should be getting reimbursed for gas being used for vehicles such as the groomers, as they are not vehicles driven on the highway.

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