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Adk Snow Drifters Meeting Minutes for Oct.


October 20, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 2:20 p.m.

Thanks to Richard Belrose and Glenn Fox who worked on clearing the Bansville Road, to Chris LaBarge who brush hogged the pole line (C7) from Malone to Mountain View and Shawn Rabidau, who is working on the Wolf Pond Road from Standish to the Doll House (C8A).

The walk through that was supposed to take place earlier this month on S78 with the DEC has not yet happened. Stuart McKnight will continue to try to set something up with the DEC.

Belly reported on the FSI meeting that took place on October 8th. Brenda Curtain retired as the secretary/treasurer and Mindy Fox was nominated to take her place. Dave Knapp will continue on as Vice President. Belly reported that Tom Peryea will be stepping down as president and that he (Belly) has been nominated to take that position. Belly asked that this nomination be tabled until the next meeting to give him some time to meet with Tom.

Belly reported that there is unused material at the Franklin County Garage that was supposed to be used for a bridge on a trail that is now closed. This material will now be given to our club for use.

Our current membership is at 63.

Belly listed our club’s responsibilities for signage, they are: Mt. View to Malone (C7),Mt. View to Inman Station (C7) and Mt. View to Standish Gate (C8A). Belly will be picking up the posts for the signs and has the posthole digger on his tractor, anyone with some time to volunteer to help him let him know. Also, anyone who would like to help putting the mat back down on the Mt. View bridge; that will be taking place on Sunday, October 27th, at 11:00 am.

Mindy reported that Camp 1390 will be holding a poker run in February in memory of Mike Nutt. It was suggested that our club hold its fundraiser that same day.

Belly reported that he has ordered the Super Raffle Tickets and we should have them by the end of the month.

Mindy and Greg Fox are in the process of scheduling the next snowmobile course. The tentative date for that is December 14th.

The next meeting will be held on December 15th at 2:00 p.m. at a place to be dertimined.

Meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.


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